Taking an Assessment

To take an assessment, follow the link provided by the assessment creator. (See Distributing an Assessment for more information on distributing assessments.)

Step 1: Login

Follow the link provided by your teacher or the assessment creator, then do ONE of the following: Enter your email address, login with a Google login, or enter a passcode.

Assessment login screen

Step 2: Welcome Screen

The welcome screen will provide you with information shared by the assessment creator along with information about the assessment guidelines such as time limit and whether backtracking is allowed. Once you've read this, click Begin Test.

Assessment welcome screen

Step 3: Assessment Questions

Questions are presented one at a time. Select or enter your response and click Save and Continue.

Assessment question

When you reach the end of the assessment, you'll see your score if the assessment included graded questions. Click End Session to exit the assessment.

Assessment question

Next: Viewing Scores/Results